5 Questions with Evan Raynor

MEM: Describe NC State in one word. Why?

RAYNOR: Family. NC State truly embodies Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.” Being a part of the NC State community means you will always be cared for and accepted, no matter where you are. The Wolfpack is stronger together and is truly a second family for all students and faculty.

MEM: What are the best things that have happened to you as part of MEM?

RAYNOR: My favorite part of being involved in the MEM program so far has been meeting many new people from different places and backgrounds. My worldview has changed for the better as I have continued to make new friends and acquaintances. MEM does a great job at emphasizing the idea of making connections, and I will continue to do so to develop myself as a person and a professional.

MEM: What is your daily routine to maintain a healthy work/life balance?

RAYNOR: I always start my day with a workout – lifting, running, or swimming – to maintain good physical and mental health. I dedicate most of the rest of the day to classes and schoolwork to make the most of my opportunities for higher education. I try my hardest to stop working around 6:00 P.M. to allow myself time to decompress and prepare for the next day.

MEM: What excites you to get out of bed in the morning?

RAYNOR: I get out of bed excited for the opportunity to become a better person than I was yesterday. Whether through physical and mental health or a focused pursuit of my higher education, personal growth means a lot to me. You must work hard to improve yourself, which excites me for each new day.

MEM: What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? 

RAYNOR: Don’t be afraid to be afraid. The path to achieving your goals is riddled with uncertainty, so you must seize each day and its challenges. You will succeed, and you will also fail. Take chances and seize the unknown, and you will become better for it in the long run.