Supply Chain Engineering and Management | Master of Engineering Management | NC State

A student working on a supply chain engineering and management issue as part of his Master of Engineering Management degree at NC State University.

Supply Chain Engineering and Management

Last Updated: 05/23/2024 | All information is accurate and still up-to-date

In the focused Supply Chain Engineering and Management concentration, professionals like yourself master complex system planning and control.

Your journey, guided by esteemed faculty from both the Engineering and Management Colleges, entails deep dives into relationship building, modeling, and strategic operations management. By engaging directly with real-world companies, you receive invaluable exposure, interview experience, and practical know-how in overseeing the intricate flow of materials, finances, and information.

Supply chain management’s extensive reach spans across diverse sectors—ranging from manufacturing to data analytics—providing a wealth of career avenues that match your interests and expertise within this dynamic field of study. With your skills finely tuned through this immersive program, you are well-prepared to navigate the multifaceted world of supply chain management and carve out a successful, fulfilling career path tailored to your strengths and passions.


CONCENTRATION: Supply Chain Engineering and ManagementCredits
CORE Subtotal15
Take four courses: (No more than 12 credit hours may come from MBA courses)
ISE 511 Supply Chain Economics and Decision Making 13
ISE 519 Database Applications in Industrial and Systems Engineering 1 *
ISE 535 Python Programming for Industrial & Systems Engineers 1 *3
ISE 552 Design and Control of Production and Service Systems 13
ISE 553 Modeling and Analysis of Supply Chains 13
ISE 754 Logistics Engineering 1
MBA 541 Supply Chain Relationships 13
MBA 544 Operations Analysis 13
MBA 546 Strategic Operations Management 13
Take one course:
EM 675 Engineering Management Masters Project
(or substitute practicum with approval)
MBA 549 Supply Chain Management Practicum 1
(or substitute practicum with approval)

1 Course taught both on-campus and online.

* You can NOT use both ISE 519 and ISE 535 toward this concentration

Supply Chain Engineering and Management Knowledge and Skills Gained

The Master of Engineering Management enhances your skills in several key areas:

  • Building strong supplier relationships.
  • Efficiently managing information flow.
  • Coordinating collaborative efforts across departments for industry success.
  • Using analytical methods for complex decision-making.

This program prepares you for various tasks, including

  • Collecting, storing, processing and analyzing data.
  • Reporting detailed statistics and patterns.
  • Drawing conclusions and insights.
  • Making actionable recommendations.