Think and Lead Seminar Series: Sarah Glova

Fitts-Woolard Hall - Room 4290 915 Partners Way, Raleigh, NC

Join us as we welcome Sarah Glova, CEO at Reify Media, to the MEM Program's Think and Lead Seminar Series. She will discuss networking in the RTP.


Think and Lead Seminar Series: Rob Lasson

Fitts-Woolard Hall - Room 4290 915 Partners Way, Raleigh, NC

Join us as we welcome Rob Lasson to the MEM Program. He will discuss how to build and deliver a winning presentation.


Think and Lead Seminar Series: Glenda Darrell

Fitts-Woolard Hall - Room 4290 915 Partners Way, Raleigh, NC

Join us as we welcome Glenda Darrell to the MEM Program's Think and Lead Seminar Series where she will discuss interviewing skills.