Michael Kay

Associate Professor

  • Phone: 919.515.2008
  • Office: 4179 Fitts-Woolard Hall


Identifying Best Performance Scenarios For Micro Nuclear Reactors During Grid Disruption
Ivey, C., Kay, M., Thoney-Barletta, K., Hodgson, T., & McConnell, B. (2024, December 23), Transactions on Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 1, pp. 78–89. https://doi.org/10.31224/4072
Implementing A Letter Of Credit Style Business Process For Small-Scale Contracting Using Smart Contracts
Fukuzawa, M., Kay, M., McConnell, B., Thoney-Barletta, K., & Warsing, D. (2024, November 7). , . https://doi.org/10.31224/3847
Implementing trades of the National Football League Draft on blockchain smart contracts
Fukuzawa, M. B., McConnell, B. M., Kay, M. G., Thoney-Barletta, K. A., & Warsing, D. P. (2024, January 12), INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MARKETING & SPONSORSHIP, Vol. 1. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJSMS-09-2023-0185
Two-stage stochastic programming model of US Army aviation allocation of utility helicopters to task forces
Nelson, R. J., Werner, J., Kay, M. G., King, R. E., McConnell, B. M., & Thoney-Barletta, K. (2023, November 18), JOURNAL OF DEFENSE MODELING AND SIMULATION-APPLICATIONS METHODOLOGY TECHNOLOGY-JDMS, Vol. 11. https://doi.org/10.1177/15485129231209039
Designing a manufacturing network with additive manufacturing using stochastic optimisation
Ahmed, R., Heese, H. S., & Kay, M. (2022, April 1), INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, Vol. 4. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2022.2056723
Minimizing Total Logistics Cost for Long-Haul Multi-Stop Truck Transportation
Kay, M. G., Karagul, K., Sahin, Y., & Gunduz, G. (2021, September 23), TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, Vol. 2676. https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981211041596
On-Demand Logistics Service for Packages: Package Bidding Mechanism vs. Platform Pricing
Tripathy, M., Ahmed, R., & Kay, M. (2021), 2021 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). https://doi.org/10.1109/wsc52266.2021.9715312
Performance tradeoffs for spare parts supply chains with additive manufacturing capability servicing intermittent demand
McDermott, K. C., Winz, R., Hodgson, T. J., Kay, M. G., King, R. E., & McConnell, B. M. (2021), Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics, 5(2), 179–213. https://doi.org/10.1108/jdal-08-2020-0016
Challenges and opportunities to integrate the oldest and newest manufacturing processes: metal casting and additive manufacturing
Lynch, P., Hasbrouck, C., Wilck, J., Kay, M., & Manogharan, G. (2020), RAPID PROTOTYPING JOURNAL, 26(6), 1145–1154. https://doi.org/10.1108/RPJ-10-2019-0277
Digital Facility Layout Planning
Peron, M., Fragapane, G., Sgarbossa, F., & Kay, M. (2020), Sustainability. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12083349

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Michael Kay